Fashion Pageantry Question&Answer


“If you don’t love what you do, then what you do won’t love you back.”

Who is Palesa?

I am Chedza Palesa Setimela. A 25-year-old Business administration student at the University of Botswana. I graduated from Diamond pageantry Academy in 2016. That entitles me to be a proudly certified diamond. Since my graduation, I have participated in the Empire Fashion Show, Fashion Without Borders, Top model Botswana as well as Runway pageant night. I have also been a commercial model for brands such as the MA Parlor and Zaron cosmetics.

What inspired you to be a model?

Growing up, I remember watching Miss Universe 1999 that was taped by my mother.  When Mpule Kwelagobe won the crown. Consequently, I started thinking this is what I want to do. I yearned to become Miss Universe. While training with Diamond pageantry, my mentors would tell me that I resemble a Miss Universe better than I do a Miss World. Therefore, that just confirmed it for me.

Why a combination of modeling and pageantry passion? What pushed you to take a step to say “pageantry is one other thing I want to do”?

During my time at Diamond Pageantry Academy, I learned the difference between modeling and Pageantry. I have since learned more about modeling than Pageantry. However, I believe pageantry passion came more naturally to me. Modeling has since been a part of who I am. There is not a year that passes that I am not on the runway. Regardless, there was still a longing in me for pageantry. I wanted to give it a shot because I watch Miss Botswana, Miss World, Miss Supra, and Miss Universe endless and I feel like I would belong.

I am craving for the crown and the experience. So, when I was selected and my application for the Supermodel international pageant was accepted I was overjoyed because I now get to combine my passion for both Pageantry and modeling on the same stage. I also get to represent my beautiful country internationally and fly our flag high.

Where does your passion for fashion come from?

My love for fashion began when I started doing fashion shows. I would start visioning myself in different outfits because I would be so fascinated with all the garments and wanted to wear them all. This led me to take a course in fashion and become a seamstress. I now make most of my clothing, including for my friends, and family. Of course having done the Miss Teen, international dance costumes, and a few of the Teen Queen’s outfits as well. I have to say it is much harder than it looks. Also, I applaud all fashion designers out there.

If you are not designing or modeling what do you do for relaxation?

Between school, modeling, and my sewing career I don’t have time to relax. I am on my toes 24/7. However, I do spare some time and enjoy going on cake and coffee dates with my friends, a good read, and also just being home with family.

Where do you get the support from to deal with the pressure of the industry?

With all the wonderful support, I get from my awesome family, friends as well as the Diamond Academy crew. I look forward to many more runways and stages, as well as growth and new passions. 

What are your plans?

One of my greatest aspirations is to one day represent Botswana at the Miss Universe pageant and bring back that title once again. I look forward to one day studying fashion design and owning my own global fashion house. I believe what I have achieved so far is only the beginning and I still look forward to so many great achievements.

What advice would you give to young people who what to venture into the modelling or pageantry sphere?

These are very difficult industries to be in, not just financially, but mentally and psychologically as well. Between long and dreadful rehearsals and the pressure of maintaining the right image, passion, a determination is what will pull you through. Pageantry and modeling are jobs like all others. And if you don’t love what you do, then what you do won’t love you back.

Poet  at Africa's Very Own Magazine

Ripfumelo is an ambitious and self-motivated individual who thrives on challenges and constantly sets objectives for herself. She's always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

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