

They say we all have rights…
A rhythm mumbled daily.
As if everyone earns the same respect…
Yet, seeing the difference makes me wonder.
And seek to know exactly what are human rights?
Who deserves these rights?
They say we all have the rights to freedom of expression…

Yet, the nation is busy being sarcastic about the LGBTQ+ community.
Entitle homosexuality a crime..
They are called demons for revealing their true self,
They suffer mistreatment and rejection by their parents…
And worse, they face criticism and judgement.
Is this the kind of freedom everyone deserves?
The kind that is equally split to every individual?
The kind of freedom that heroes fight for?
Then why the discrimination?
Why are we not supporting them?
Why are we labelling them demons?
Tell me!
Why are they not shown the same appreciation?
Why do you question their dressing code?
Why do you classify their love as a sin?
I’m curious!
Don’t they have right ?
The rights to be who they want to be?

They talk about human rights,
Let me remind you before you go further…
Do you still remember our sisters and brothers?
Yes, the ones who no longer have a place called home,
The same ones who have been disowned for being gays…
Do you still remember the lesbians who have been raped numerous times…
With an excuse for making them straight?
Where was their right when all these bitter things happened?
Where was her right when she even got pregnant from being molested?

My heart bleeds for the mistreatment of the LGBT society…
It bleeds for the innocent people who lost their lives for being true to themselves…
It bleeds for the life that parishes under society’s watch…
The life of innocent individuals that vanished
under the hands of our judgmental society,
The societies where the justice system blinks in such important matters.
A society where everyone has rights, yet this human rights don’t favour all.
What are human rights?
Who exactly is entitled to it?

Poet  at Africa's Very Own Magazine

Ripfumelo is an ambitious and self-motivated individual who thrives on challenges and constantly sets objectives for herself. She's always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

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