
Who am I?

I am the extension of rudeness,
With a pinch of sweetness.
Sometimes, I am… nothing.
Sometimes, I am everything!

Sometimes I am like them,
I flow with the same tide.
Speak the same tongue.
Sometimes different is an understatement!
With all these flaws I state:

I am a criminal,
Stealing away my prey’s heart.
Only to sell it for tomorrow’s forgotten fun.
I am a stench of pride,
Disgusted by my lack of ego.
I am an emotional husk,
With an unbelievably sweet smile

I am my own heart’s bribe,
Illicit thoughts of hunger are truly one man’s enemy.
Sometimes I am the happy hour,
Sometimes the bad luck radiant.

Guest Poet

Yarona G Monthe, is a 21 year old writter, an aspiring pharmacist, currently doing year 3, SOP(school of pharmacy) at University of Botswana. His writing journey started 2 years ago.

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