Fashion Pageantry



Miss Teen International Botswana 2021, pageantry for teenagers, crowned a new queen on the 18th of September. 17-year-old Pilikwe native, Gimhani Mohau Perera, was crowned by the reigning queen, Anicia Gaothusi. “To our new Queen, Gimhani Perera, congratulations. I wish you all the best in your reign, you are defiantly in good hands, and may your reign be blissful and be blessed.” Gaothusi said on a Social Media status. Gimhani describes herself as an extrovert who loves meeting and interacting with different people from various backgrounds. She yearns to learn every day.

Passion Discovering

Perera first discovered her passion for modeling when she was only 9 years old. “I saw a Junior Miss Botswana audition flyer and that immediately struck my interest.” She mentioned. Although it was just a hobby at first, she grew to learn more about it and that enhanced her love and passion for modeling. Her favorite part about modeling is the exposure, getting to meet and work with other creatives is encouraging for her.

Favorite Celebrity Model

When asked who her favorite celebrity model is, she mentioned Miss Universe South Africa 2021, Zozibini Tunzi. “She was the representation African and black girls like myself needed to see in the media.” Gimhani said that Zozibini Tunzi encouraged young women to take up space and advocated for gender inequality and education.


Although Gimhani has a passion for the industry, some challenges come with it. “The industry isn’t taken as seriously as it should be. There aren’t many opportunities, and people always have something negative to say about your appearance.” She claimed.

To try and tackle these challenges, she takes initiative to find opportunities on her own and educate those who have false perceptions about the industry. Gimhani further explained that it is essential to have tough skin and persevere through anything thrown at you. To ease anxiety before entering the stage she takes a little prayer to thank God and ask him for guidance and then proceeds to take deep breaths in and out to try and lose the nerves.


Her parents are her biggest inspiration. Coming from nothing and working extremely hard to give her and her siblings a better life. They inspire her to make a name for herself and be independent. Modeling isn’t her only focus, Gimhani hopes to see her project, “The Empowering Educational Movement,” expand to become a global non-government organization, advocating for quality education, self-love, and mental health. Perera is a pageantry girl who has played a range of sports being rugby, cricket, netball, swimming, and golf. Even during her free time, she takes on these various activities including swimming, playing rugby, and learning about cars and panel beating from her brother.

Gimhani adores animals, especially dogs. She aspires to become an entrepreneur in the tourism and hospitality sector. Owning hotels, lodges and providing tourists with the full African experience that her beautiful country Botswana has to offer. As well as to create employment across Botswana. She has worked with SKY Girls BW as a presenter and would like to explore other similar opportunities.

We can’t wait to have the very beautiful Gimhani in India very soon!




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Africa’s Very Own Magazine

Editorial Director at Africa's Very Own Magazine | Website

Maverick Kabelo is the founder and editorial director of Africa’s Very Own Magazine. Kabelo is a business student, digital media enthusiast/entrepreneur, creative, writer and content creator. He started writing when he was just 16 after founding the magazine on Facebook.

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