Commercial Film Production

Tshepie Olds: Breaking Barriers as a Female Film Producer in Botswana

Who is Tshepie Olds?

Tshepie Olds is a female Commercial Film producer from Botswana. She is passionate about film, and she succeeded in the film industry by taking a stand towards what she believes in.

Before she became a Commercial film producer, she started off just by being an actress. However, as time goes on, she got involved in small productions as a director. It went on until Tshepie became a Commercial film producer.


Being a female Film producer is very doubting, with many people believing that the career is impossible for women to do. Tshepie’s inspiration to venture into commercial film production was the will to make a difference in the film industry by changing the perspective that there are certain jobs that only men are capable of doing it, as women’s aspiration is limited in such industries.

She was motivated to become a film producer because she loves seeing projects come to live and making sure that the outcome is of good quality and great value.

Tshepie says going beyond the call of duty requires being able to excel under pressure. It is very crucial for her, in this industry that is male dominated to work ten times harder in Oder to produce an outcome that’s beyond expectation.

Goals And Achievements

Being a female commercial film producer is a big deal for her. Tshepie has been up and down producing, directing and getting involved in projects and collaborations. She has also learned quite many new lessons and skills set and techniques in the industry.

Tshepie specializes with cooperate jobs. She had worked on countless corporate projects in the year 2022 and her most prominent works are: United Nation projects, FNB, Botswana life, St Louis, Water Utilities and many other cooperate projects.

Tshepie’s future plans is to branch out and produce Internationally. In addition to that, she also intends to create job opportunities for Batswana who are skilled and passionate about film by assisting them to get into the industry and make it to the top.

Challenges and breakthroughs

Film is a challenging industry for any female or a woman in general as it is male dominated. Even when it comes to Tshepie, learning the ropes of the industry has been challenging for her, but she chooses not to give up in her dreams. Olds cites patience, dedication and hard work as key factors in overcoming challenges and obstacles in the industry.

She has encountered challenges such as people believing that film production is a career that is nearly impossible for a woman to do as it has so many technical tasks and heavy duty jobs challenges. As a result, it was difficult for her at the beginning as a female producer to find gigs to work on.

Tshepie had to work extra hard to showcase her talent and capabilities to prove that she was good enough to perform the works. She related that, “it is very difficult as a woman to be in a male dominated industry, as you have to work ten times harder to prove yourself.”

What she enjoys most about her work is that she gets to work with different people from different backgrounds and engage with them and learn one or two lessons from them.

Advise to others

Tshepie’s advice to people who want to venture into film production is: need to create long-lasting relationships with coworkers so that you can be able to achieve what you aim for.

2. Always know that there will be many obstacles and struggles.

3. You have to be ready to work ten times harder to prove yourself and not tempted to give up but keep on going.

Poet at Africa's Very Own Magazine

Ripfumelo is an ambitious and self-motivated individual who thrives on challenges and constantly sets objectives for herself. She's always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.