Picture of Dr. Bryan Keitsemang


Dr. Bryan Keitsemang produces and stars in a film adapted from his novel, The Life I Buried.

• Makes Setswana fashionable in new psychological romance thriller written in Setswana.

Who is Dr. Bryan Keitsemang?

Dr. Bryan Keitsemang, ennobled in honour of his artistic achievement is a best-selling author and novelist. But most remarkable than his meteoric rise to fame is the community that his books have created.

Dr. Keitsemang has quickly become one of the most-talked about and beloved authors for book lovers. His bestselling memoir, Prayers of an Atheist, sold over a thousand copies in Botswana alone just within two weeks of its release. An impressive record for a country with a population of less than 3 million people and not many avid readers.

The Life I Buried

One of his novels, The Life I Buried, which was written under the pseudonym Wiseman Molateng and garnered global acclaim after winning an American prestigious literary prize is being adapted into film. Directed by local filmmaker Bakang Neil Modise and written by the author himself. As an accomplished theatre actor, Dr. Keitsemang is also set to star as Wiseman Molateng, a man contemplating suicide. The star describes the experience as ‘a childhood dream come true.’

“I look forward to it. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. To write and star in intimate films that capture vulnerability, strength and wisdom. Ultimately, I’m continuing my storytelling in a different form and it’s exciting,” Dr. Keitsemang says.

First Tswana Novel

The writer’s work ranges across genres, but it’s characterized by its great emotional force. Tlhakantshuke, his first Setswana novel to be released this year is the most anticipated book of 2022 in local literature. Early reviews have hailed it as ‘a book that has made Setswana attractive.’ The psychological romance thriller tells the tale of Kessy Kgalaeng who, cursed by her past, discovers more than she hoped to see when she decides to date a mysterious young man.

Why in Tswana

Dr. Keitsemang says he wrote Tlhakantshuke confident that his loyal readership will always support him no matter what he writes. However, that was not the sole reason for his optimism about the book.

“The idea that Batswana don’t read books in Setswana is fallacious. Batswana love their language. It’s only when books written in Setswana carry repetitive and predictable themes set outside the world we live in today, that readers fail to show up for local literature.” He says and adds that he wrote Tlhakantshuke because fundamentally he believes it has come time to make Tswana literature fashionable.

Book lovers know that there’s no better feeling than not being able to put a book down. Dr. Bryan Keitsemang’s popularity has come from more than just publicity and social media. Also the fact that readers never want to stop reading his books once they start. With chapters that leave the reader hanging, the self-made literary mogul has mastered the skill of creating page-turning books. Books that definitely won’t be going out of style anytime soon.

Dr. Bryan Keitsemang Books Online

Click here to get Dr. Keitsemang’s books on Amazon.


Managing Director at Keitsemang Publications

Raveena Ramnarain is a publisher and independent researcher. She holds a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Iowa. She is currently the Managing Director of Keitsemang Publications, a publishing imprint of Bryan Keitsemang Books (PTY) Ltd.

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