Modeling Pageantry

Thando Makhoba: Miss World South Africa 2023 Quarter Finalist

“I was born to reign supreme, this sentence just does it for me.”

Meet Thando Makhoba

Thando Makhoba is a 21 year old pageantry model. She recently reached the quarter-finalists for Miss World South Africa 2023. Her journey so far towards this admirable achievement has been nothing short of remarkable.

Her upbringing and inspiration

Thando was born and raised in a spiritual family in North West Mahikeng. Although she was a tomboy growing up, she had a deep passion for modeling. However, back then she believed that pursuing a modeling career would not be feasible as a preacher’s daughter, as it often involves exposing one’s body during events such as bikini parades.

Makhoba feared this would tarnish her father’s reputation, and set aside her dreams for a while. In 2016, she realized that her passion and talent could coexist with her spiritual upbringing. She came to understand that modeling is not merely about exposing one’s body, but also about expressing oneself through fashion, art, and creativity.

Tyra Banks, a celebrity role model for Thando, inspired her the grow in pageantry modeling as she started maturing her passion. Thando says Tyra inspired her because she is the first African American woman to be featured in a Victoria’s Secret catalogue. “She is also the first African American woman to appear on GQ and sports illustration swimsuit edition. Tyra Banks is an outstanding role model for me due to her belief that society should not dictate acceptable weight,” she explained. She was also inspired by models Zozibini Tunzi and Tyra Banks’ words when they said:

“Nothing is as important as taking up space in society and cementing yourself”

“Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that’s positive and celebrate that.”

Challenges and breakthroughs

During her journey, Thando encountered several moments where she felt like giving up. The weight of her mental health issues consumed and pushed her into a dark space that seemed impossible to escape. She said that these challenging moments caused her to lose interest in everything she used to love.

“I remember there was a day I had a mental breakdown, then I smashed my crown because I thought I was so done with modelling. However, my God being my creator he gave me strength to raise up again as I am born to reign supreme.” Thando revealed. Another challenge Thando faces in pageantry is disappointment and fraudsters.

Despite these challenges, Thando remains motivated by her passion and dreams. She approaches all challenges with a curious mindset. She says, “I always verify the agencies I choose to work with, to make sure they are legit and don’t take bribes for titles.”

Thando emphasizes that failure is not a reflection of one’s worth but a natural part of the journey towards success. “Every failure is a success and a lesson learned. And an emotional strength gained to be emotionally stronger.”

Hobbies and interests

Thando is a passionate individual who finds joy and inspiration in fashion design and creative writing. These hobbies stimulate her creative side. Additionally, she considers karate a hobby because it helps channel her focus and determination as well. Besides modeling and her hobbies, Thando is interested in education. She is currently enrolled at Sbuys Pharmacy Council Academy pursuing a pharmacist career. Thando’s dedication to her modeling career, hobbies and studies is admirable. She balances time, commitment and passion for all fields.

On positioning herself for her success

When asked how she positions herself for success, Thando replied that she believes in diversifying and trying different things. By introducing new perspectives, she creates a broad spectrum of possible ways to succeed. She also emphasizes the importance of evolving and improving her self-development. Throughout her journey in the modeling industry, she has adapted to changes while staying true to herself and not compromising who she is. Thando’s approach to success highlights the significance of exploring various avenues and continuously growing as an individual.

Career accomplishments

Thando has achieved significant milestones and taken several steps to build a name for herself. She began her pageantry journey at a young age while residing in Botswana, and she has made significant progress ever since. In 2016, she was crowned Miss Linchwe. This achievement did not only boosted her confidence but also served as a stepping stone towards further success. Thando participated in the Miss All Schools Kgatleng District 2016 competition. According to her, it was a challenging yet rewarding experience, as she competed against talented individuals from various schools. And the title she earned in this competition further solidified her reputation and contributed to building her name in the pageant industry. In 2019, she was crowned Miss Independence Kgatleng District. Not only did this title honor her personal growth, but it also demonstrates her dedication and commitment to making a positive impact on the community in which she lives.

The year 2020 brought more opportunities for Thando to shine. “I participated in the Miss High Schools Botswana competition and was honored to be crowned the winner,” she says. This achievement not only showcased her beauty and intellect but also highlighted her ability to represent her school and community with grace and dignity. Additionally, Thando was also among the top 5 contestants in the Teen Universe Botswana competition. This recognition on a national level further added to her growing reputation and served as a testament to her dedicated work and perseverance.

She currently runs a modelling academy for which she grooms other models. “I presently have a modelling academy for which I groom other models,” she said. She believes that by entering different pageants, one can build a fan base and gain support.

Her motivation to enter the Miss Word SA 2023 competition

Thando’s inspiration to enter Miss World SA 2023 stems from her deep-rooted desire to change the state in which children with learning disabilities are treated. She believes that by participating in Miss World SA, she will be able to amplify her voice and shed light on these issues. Thando will also advocate for improved support systems for these children. She firmly believes that every child, regardless of their learning abilities, deserves equal opportunities and access to quality education and support. Hence winning this competition is very crucial for her.  

Quarter-finalist experience

She shared her experience so far in the quarter finalist competition. She reveals that she is feeling the pressure to win the title of Miss Word South Africa 2023. Throughout the experience so far she has actively learned to approach various media companies. Thando sees this journey as a valuable learning experience. “It is really a learning experience for me and it’s keeping me on my toes as I want to make it to top 54.”

Advice to others

Thando advises young people who want to venture into the pegeatry industry by giving them three simple steps to reach their dreams:

Firstly, believe in yourself. You have the belief that you have the potential and what it takes to be a pageant queen. Because if you don’t think you can, you literally won’t. But if you believe you can, create a possibility where you stand a chance.

Secondly, be yourself. It’s okay to imitate your icons or role models, but being them is another matter. I think many will fall for this mistake and it will burden you as you try to keep the act up. People will also catch up and you’ll come off as a fake. Be true to yourself.

Lastly, be aware of legal agencies and be more cautious as there are many fraudulent agencies in this industry.

Poet at Africa's Very Own Magazine

Ripfumelo is an ambitious and self-motivated individual who thrives on challenges and constantly sets objectives for herself. She's always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

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