author Poetry Question&Answer


Geoffrey Mosarwa Jr is a wordsmith who speaks his truth and wears his heart on his sleeve. “As a fan of loving and being loved, poetry for me is the epitome of love and self expression.” Geoffrey said. He claims that poetry is more than words but an art. An extension of one’s persona. The type of art that allows you to stand out, to be loud, to be deep, and to be relatable all through the use of words. Poetry is a God given gift to Mosarwa Jr. He wants to use the gift to touch others and wants people to resonate with themselves through him.


Briefly introduce yourself

My name is Geoffrey Mosarwa. I am known as “The love poet.” This is because most of the time I dwell on the topic and I am able to depict love in every instant. From hating love, being hurt by love. Loving oneself and the journey to doing so. Learning how to love things that are hard on you and loving love. I am reserved, I like quietness, I have my loud days but otherwise I am not talkative, and I prefer my calm nature over any other part of me.

When Did You First Start Writing Poems?

I started writing poetry when I was 8, as a way of escaping things that were going on in my life. Things I would generally not speak about but generally if you read my poetry you will get to find out. I first picked up writing stories but I felt they were too long and didn’t allow much self expression so I grew into poetry and I just never looked back.

What is Your Writing Style?

I am a descriptive poet. Less of narrative. I think I like to put the picture in people’s mind. Especially because I write with emotions. I want my readers to be able to revisit how they felt. Whether it was in love, heartbreak or triumph over something toxic. I just want my writers to feel understood.

What is Your Writing Process Like?

I don’t have much of a process. My inspiration moves me to write. When I am really desperate to write, I listen to slow piano melodies and try to bring out my emotions.

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

I get my ideas from a lot of things to be honest. Mostly my relationships. Songs or movies. I could be listening to a song and hear one line that I think resonates with me and go write a whole poem. Or be watching a movie that moves me a certain way and I would write. I think my experiences mainly get my creative juices flowing but otherwise I get my ideas from multiple things.

What is Your Writing Kryptonite?

I am more of Batman than Superman. ?. It gets harder to write the more ‘at peace’ I am. I need to have something rattle my emotions or spend time with myself to trigger my emotions. I think however that finding absolute piece or being in mental turmoil is my writing kryptonite.

Do You Do Much Research?

I am not really a research person but I read books though. I read poetry. Articles but never a time when I sit down and say I want to research. I think things come to me because I am an emotional person and in touch with my emotions so if it’s poetry. My search for poetry that stimulates me makes me a better writer.

How Do You Deal With Writer’s Block?

The best way to deal with Writers block, in my opinion, is to leave your urge to write until it builds enough to overthrow your inability to write. I sit back and wait for inspiration. I think that with my poetry. The universe shall provide so I never really feel the pressure to get over writer’s block. I just wake up one day and I am finally writing again.

Tell Us About Your Soon-To-Be Published Book

I have a book coming up . Titled ‘Why Sunflowers love the Sun!‘ It comes from the phrase. Why Sunflowers love the sun is the reason I love you and ofcourse it is a love book full of love poems but it also highlights the ups and downs of love. It shows the journey of loving wether the relationship ends or leads to something greater.

What Writers Did You Enjoy Reading as a Child and What Writers Do You Enjoy Now?

I grew up reading books without knowing the authors so I can’t tell you much about that. I picked up a book and like it and read.

My favourite writers right now are Rudy Francisco and Courtney Peppernell.

What is Your Favourite Book?

My favorite book is Pillow thoughts 2 by Courtney Peppernell. Though I am kinda unsure because Helium by Rudy is kind of contesting for that spot.

Do You Ever Consider Writing Under a Pseudonym?

I have actually written under a pseudonym and realized that I want the recognition and I genuinely want people to know who is behind the poems. That’s why I love it so much when people ask me about my poems or what motivates them. Right now I can’t do that. I genuinely want that recognition.


Pieces Of My Soul I Desire To Share

Sometimes I wish I could open my heart
Let you in
Allow you to see and gaze upon how the world has torn me apart.
Pieces of my soul I desire to share.
The parts of me that cannot be described as ugly for that is too nice a compliment.
These are the dark parts of my soul.
The parts that make me seem competent.

I have a fear
That if I opened my heart to you, you will never cease to shed a tear
I fear that this will be too much for you to bear.
And that your rich, illuminating soul will be rendered bare.
I sometimes wonder, ponder on my guilty conscience,
Convincing myself that it is not my place.

But what type of lover would I be,
To give you your favourite food knowing the poison I used to lace.
So yes, there are pieces of my soul I desire to share.
But I wonder, often ponder on how you will take it or even if our love will make it.

Geoffrey Mosarwa Jr Blog Page

Click here to read more of Moswara Jr’s poetry.

Editorial Director at Africa's Very Own Magazine | Website

Maverick Kabelo is the founder and editorial director of Africa’s Very Own Magazine. Kabelo is a business student, digital media enthusiast/entrepreneur, creative, writer and content creator. He started writing when he was just 16 after founding the magazine on Facebook.

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