
Makoro to survive

He wakes up early to get the bag,
To run towards the hissing bus as it reaches the bus stop,
To run after it even when it leaves him behind,
Until it reaches the next bus stop for other workers.

Dripping sweat, smelly armpits define him as he knocks off.
He is welcomed by the finely cooked morogo wa setswana and pap.
He finds hot water for him to freshen up after a long day.
He blesses the food; he has with the wife and children at supper.

As he lays down in bed, a different perspective of his life ellipses…
Happier than how he lives now,
Jewels shining so bright like a bright light in the night,
And he keeps praying for a new and better life.

Mpho P. Montsho

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