

Poem by Olorato Connie Morebodi

I thought, hesitated and went for it
I drowned deep for it
Made waves in settled lands
Love..yes its love
They fell in for me

Made them crazy and noisy
Happy and  sad at a time
Cheerish me and also fight me
Yes im love

Love , love, love
I was found in unpredictable areas
I can hide , i can be on the surface
It depends on how you look out for me

Sometimes am a suprise….
You wake up and see yourself in love
Sometimes i mislead you
Yes you!!i am a derailer

I am love
When i die water y drop
Drip off ur eyes
Why!!You never knew me nor saw me
Why cry!!!im always there
I never end!!!
I have no ending but i fade

Yes thats me

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