Letsile Tebogo picture

Letsile Tebogo: The Rising Star of Athletics in Botswana

Letsile Tebogo is a young athlete from Botswana who is quickly making a name for himself in the world of athletics. Born and raised in Kanye, Tebogo moved to Gaborone at the age of 11, where he was introduced to the sport of athletics. Since then, he has gone on to become one of the most promising athletes in the country, competing in the 100m and 200m events and breaking several national records along the way.

When asked to describe his personality, Tebogo says that “I am a very cool guy who likes to associate with other people and I love my peace very much.” He adds that he is also known for being funny, a trait that has helped him to remain focused and motivated throughout his athletic journey.

Tebogo’s love for sports began at a young age, when he played football for his school, Kidz Academy, in Kanye. However, it wasn’t until he moved to Gaborone that he discovered his true talent for athletics. He was the fastest kid in his school, and soon found himself competing in local and national competitions.

The role of Tebogo’s parents in his success cannot be understated. He credits his mother for being the driving force behind his success, as she “helps me with anything I need for my sport”. He attended Gaborone Senior school.

Tebogo’s greatest accomplishment as an athlete to date is qualifying for the World Junior Championships in Kenya. But he looks up to Usain Bolt as his role model, “The living legend Usain Bolt”, he said, and wants to reach the same level of success as him.

When it comes to training and keeping fit, Tebogo does not adhere to any special diet or routine. He simply eats ordinary food and trains regularly. However, he does make sure to take a break after a good performance by going on rest for days without training, “Going on rest for days without training” he said.

Tebogo sees athletics as a career and has a profitable future, being paid P3500 per month. He trains around 4 times a week and gives advice to young people who want to pursue a career in sports, “They should not give up on their dream keep pushing. Rome wasn’t built in a day” he said.

Overall, Letsile Tebogo is a dedicated and determined young athlete who is making waves in the world of athletics in Botswana. With his cool personality, sense of humor and dedication to training, he is sure to continue to make a positive impact in the sports industry. He has a bright future ahead, and Africa’s Very Own Magazine will be keeping a close eye on his progress

Editorial Director at Africa's Very Own Magazine | Website

Maverick Kabelo is the founder and editorial director of Africa’s Very Own Magazine. Kabelo is a business student, digital media enthusiast/entrepreneur, creative, writer and content creator. He started writing when he was just 16 after founding the magazine on Facebook.

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