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How To Copyright Protect Your Creative Work

In Botswana, the protection of copyright and neighboring rights is governed by the Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act, 2000. This law provides protection for original literary, artistic, and other creative works, and gives the creators of these works exclusive rights to control how their work is used, reproduced, and distributed.

Under the Act, copyright protection exists automatically from the moment of creation. This means that as soon as you create an original work, you have certain legal rights over that work.

These rights include the right to reproduce the work, the right to distribute copies of the work, the right to display the work in public, and the right to perform the work in public. In addition, the Act defines several exclusive rights of the copyright owner, such as the right to make adaptations, the right to perform the work in public, and the right to communicate the work to the public.

However, creators are encouraged to register their works with the Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) of Botswana. This can provide additional legal protection and make it easier to enforce those rights.

The process of registering copyright works with CIPA is simple and can be done in-house, at no charge to the creator. To register your work, you will need to submit a copy of the work itself, along with a copy of your ID or passport if you are a non-citizen.

Additionally, you may need to provide ownership supporting documents, such as contracts or agreements, as well as a letter of consent if you are registering the work on behalf of someone else.

In addition to the exclusive rights of the copyright owner, the Act also provides for several exceptions and limitations to copyright protection. For example, the Act allows for the use of copyrighted works for the purpose of research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or other similar purposes.

In summary, the Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act, 2000, provides a comprehensive framework for the protection of copyright and neighboring rights in Botswana. Creators of original works should be aware of their rights under the Act and take steps to protect and enforce those rights, such as registering their works with CIPA.

By taking these steps, creators can ensure that their rights are protected and that they are able to receive compensation for the use of their works.

Editorial Director at Africa's Very Own Magazine | Website

Maverick Kabelo is the founder and editorial director of Africa’s Very Own Magazine. Kabelo is a business student, digital media enthusiast/entrepreneur, creative, writer and content creator. He started writing when he was just 16 after founding the magazine on Facebook.

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