

Africa’s Very Own Magazine prides itself in ensuring that all creative’s are given the time to shine. We got the chance to interview one of Botswana’s young uprising photographers, Allen Tefo Abram, who goes by the name “The Snapper’’. The Snapper is a young photographer born and raised in Lobatse as well as Kanye.

For The Snapper, photography is broad, he does not specialize in a specific field of photography be it wildlife photography. He is the master of photographic challenges. He went on to mention that in his field he challenges himself in covering all aspects of photography. Be it commercial, landscape, or wildlife, very multi-talented you could say. For him, being able to snap a picture and conceptualize it is his biggest strength.

He uses photography to represent art and portray ideas around captured art. Although he covers almost all photographic fields, he is much more fascinated and into wildlife photography. It has a broad aspect when it comes to showing something in motion, making the pictures very interesting for the human eye. “I see my work as a script that is trying to tell a story, said the young Abram.

When Allen first started his photographic journey in October 2019, he revealed that he did not just wake up and picture himself as a photographer. It started at church when a member of his congregation asked him to be their photographer. “It was my first time taking on such a task,” he said. Although he was not a photographer, he did not turn them down or make excuses, he went for it and to his surprise, they were very pleased with the photos he took. This is when he developed a passion for photography.

By the year 2020, in May, he started looking up to figures like the Canadian photographer Peter Mackhonen, the likes of Gonna, JM photography, where he learnt how to play with colours. Their works inspired him but his motive was not to copy them, he wanted to come up with something different. He learnt how to be creative with colours, snap the right angle to come up with a good picture. With all this inspiration he was able to master capturing quality pictures even when using equipment of low quality.

The Snapper works with models and always tries to make it his best in directing them on how to pose to capture the art behind each models posture and facial expressions. He has done most of his work on his own; he does not have a specific team. The young man is very determined to one day see himself working with fashion brands, and modelling agencies, although it is not an easy field to pursue as most of the fashion houses are often looking forward to working with photographers who are more advanced in the field and have a very large following and recognition.  He is also fascinated with working with corporations such as Mascom, government organisations and weddings as they have a large exposure which is essential for photographers.

“I believe that Botswana photographers can make it big in the photographic field provided they work well together with locals,” he explained. He raised a concern that more often clients always push for a lower price although they provide quality services. He mentioned that if they avoided this habit of always negotiating the prices, photographers could be far and motivated to do more than they deliver in terms of business. We all know that for a photographer to deliver quality pictures it requires good quality cameras with advanced lenses. He regards photography as a fast-growing industry as it portrays life.

Ntsimako highly emphasised that although pricing, good quality pictures and clientele can grow a photographer into becoming the best, exhibitions are also the way to go. He expressed that he has noticed that in Botswana exhibitions are not so common, unlike museums which store art from way back which is a good thing. The Snapper could not stop expressing that photography seems to be more side-lined when it comes to the exhibition. His dream is to see his work in exhibitions all around Botswana. He will also like o work with companies and agencies where he will sell his art. The Snapper also enjoys travelling photography which he believes can come in handy in his photographic journey as he is a very imaginative young man, very creative and can adjust to the weather conditions where his camera takes him, just as long as he captures art, meet people of different races and skin tones which is always fun to work with. He believes that this travelling photographic spree can help him come up with wonderful pictures to back up a successful exhibition.

Apart from photography The Snapper also has another passion which is investing in property. In the future, the Snapper want to be a property investor which he will juggle with photography as the field is also dear to him. When giving a word of advice to future aspiring photographers he mentioned that as a photographer he has never labelled himself as the best, he regards it as a field of new beginnings every day as every concept is always different. He also advised them that when taking pictures they ought to be free as their art will speak for itself. He urges them not to get in the field for fame and money as it should come from the heart.

Keleabetswe is a 24 year old woman from Palapye. A product of Lotsane Senior School and Limkonkwing University. She loves and solving puzzles. Her dream is to be the best business and health news journalist.

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