Fashion Visual Arts


Puisano Sane is the Founder and Creative Director of The Denim Loft BW. We had the chance to discuss fashion and styling with him.

Introducing himself, Puisano said, “I am Puisano Sane, well known as P. I am an aesthetically rich and pleasing student at the University Of Botswana, currently pursuing Bachelor Of Arts, Social Sciences. Professionally, I am a Stylist. I dress people for a living. I am the founder and the creative director of The Denim Loft BW. I am also a Pro Denim expert and a digital content creator. Basically, I am a jack of all trades, lol. ? I would describe my style as Minimalist; sometimes a little sporty, vintage and a bratzboy.“

Puisano took his first fashion steps in 2015 as a blogger writing articles on WordPress. After a year, he quit blogging and deleted his WordPress. That is how The Denim Loft BW was born. He had always wanted to do something profitable in fashion. As a result, on 27 October 2017, he launched his brand as the head stylist, content creator and page manager. Since then, his career highlights include being featured twice on Botswana’s best selling newspaper, The Voice, and the overall growth of his brand across all social media platforms. The brand’s official Facebook page recently hit the 10 000 followers mark.

With these statistics, I was drawn to ask Puisano what his core brand values are. In his own words:“ 1. Professionalism and best service – professionalism keeps clients happy, and a client who is happy with your services keeps coming back for more, and also recommends more to you. 2. Creativity – creativity is a core value that goes hand in hand with the passion that truly defines our company. 3. ORIGINALITY – not trying to imitate what anyone else is doing.4. Communication – is our foundational value because it combines our focus on open source, and sharing everything we do with the clients, focusing on constant improvement as individuals and as a company.”

P mentioned that he has gotten a satisfactory amount of support from his family and close friends in his fashion journey. He said almost all his family members own something by The Denim Loft BW and that there are friends who treat his company like their own, in terms of support and responsibility.

In order to balance being productive at work and giving attention to his loved ones, P expressed that he plays with his strengths instead of trying to be everything for everyone. He also prioritizes time. “Time is money, money is honey and honey is sweet ?”, he explained. Therefore, he manages his time well by planning personal time and setting working hours, most importantly, sticking to them.

Getting personal personal, the talented creative director told me that he is single. Most probably because he has not found the right person yet. But then again, single is the new black and he would rather have a significant amount of money than a significant other (just joking ?).The Denim Loft BW was not exempted from the effects of Covid-19 on local businesses.

The business was mostly affected by the closing of borders, as he sources his merchandise internationally, hence causing a shortage of stock. In addition, they lost a significant amount of clients due to delayed orders which were stuck at the borders.

According to P, there has been a significant improvement in our fashion industry. “It would be unwise to deny the paramount fact that the mushrooming of local brands everyday forces the existing ones to up their game and strive for greatness. Everyone is thriving. I would really love to see them compete with quality and not quantity”. He further stated that he prefers to remain private about his future work and does not disclose anything until it fully materialises and is actually being launched.

In conclusion, P said that he dreams of being a personal stylist to a member of parliament, as he already has corporate clients under his styling wing and an MP would be a big step forward. Internationally, he would love to work with Rihanna. He further elaborated that her work ethic is amazing. “I would also kill to work as Jahleel Weaver, her Stylist’s assistant.My social media handles are as follows:Facebook: Puisano Sane Instagram: puisanosane Twitter: @PuisanoSane”

Poppie Moseki is the Fashion Editor of Focul Media House, mainly Africa's Very Own magazine. She handles all the fashion articles.

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