

Motheo Lucas Malgas a.k.a Dudewiththething is a Photographer/videographer based in Botswana from Tshane, Kgalagadi.

Raised by a loving single mother, he first took interest in this industry at only seven years old after watching the movie, World War 2. The movie left him so captivated and evoked soo much emotion despite it not being real that right there and then he decided that’s what he wanted to do. His main goal is to evoke emotion through his artwork and make the type of artwork that is so captivating that brings you back when you scroll past in on your newsfeed.

The 24 year old photographer does mostly studio shoots using artificial light, and to enhance his skills he believes in practicing your craft in order to grasp where you lack and where you can improve. His editorial process includes Adobe photoshop and Adobe lightroom to edit pictures, Premiere pro and Da Vinci resolve to edit videos. Apart from the UK based photographer Harrison Looklum he is mostly inspired by people around him, as the saying goes, “you are who you surround yourself with.” Although at the moment his work is inspired by what he sees in himself.

Reminiscing on his first days as an upcoming photographer, by then using a Sony powershot camera charged with AA batteries, the one thing he regrets is doubting himself and that he wishes he could have realized his potential sooner.

When asked what challenges he faces in the industry, he stated, “The photography industry in Botswana is still in its infancy therefore it is hard to sell. Creatives should learn the business side of the industry.” He also mentioned that people should respect the hierarchy of photography, “Instead of trying to be a Jack of all trades, people should acknowledged the fact that there are people good at photography and should allow them to do their job.” He considers his Kalahari Hotel piece his favorite because it is timeless, so be sure to check out his page.

Editorial Director at Africa's Very Own Magazine | Website

Maverick Kabelo is the founder and editorial director of Africa’s Very Own Magazine. Kabelo is a business student, digital media enthusiast/entrepreneur, creative, writer and content creator. He started writing when he was just 16 after founding the magazine on Facebook.

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