Performing Arts

Deep Dive Sessions Podcast Seeks To Change The Local Business Landscape

Podcasting is yet to see its growth and becoming a norm to our country. With that being the case, there have been quite a few emerging podcasts locally and most have been doing quite well. All these new-media platforms vary from one to the next with the kind of content they provide and their target audience. As for University of Botswana Business graduate, Mpho Mutaurirwa, he chose to base his “Deep Dive Sessions” podcast to the world of business.

Although it is not a first of it’s kind, the podcast is quite a unique business/entrepreneurship based podcast. The podcast was first aired in 2021 around February. It has come to give its audience business content that could very well inspire them. The show’s host Mpho Mutaurirwa, a 24 year old Motswana whose native background is from Zimbabwe usually interviews various entrepreneurs who have innovative business backgrounds and airs the show every Tuesday.

To this day the show has hosted many entrepreneurs who have inspired fellow business personnel both upcoming and well established. The young entrepreneur says that he has had positive feedback from even beyond the borders. The content of the show has had some internationals being interested in investing on the local market or having partnerships with some local innovative entrepreneurs who have been on the show.

Although the narrative of the show is currently an inspiration and seemingly headed for greater heights, it did not however have a good start. It’s foundation was through the persistence and determination of a young man who had an idea but no money to jumpstart it but still went on to start it. Having a few friends who had the equipment for the show’s production, they were able to buy in to the idea and were willing to shoot the first episodes of the podcast for free to help out a friend. They still are currently seeking out more funds to have the best equipment that would make the podcast of much more quality.

Another challenge the entrepreneur says they are faced with is the manner of media podcasts are and the platforms they can be accessible from. In a country like Botswana were YouTube and Spotify are not commonly used social media platforms, it makes it hard for them to have a bigger audience than they could have had it been common social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp. However they are still determined to see the podcast grow and gain a bigger audience in YouTube, little by little. There are other challenges besides these two, but he says he is able to face them because of how he perceive things. According to him, if you are into something you love and it also has an impact on the lives of people, you can always find a way to make things work.

In concluding, the podcaster says that the Deep Dive Sessions seeks to create a database of serious entrepreneurs who want to make a change and difference in Botswana. “We are a mission-driven company that seeks to challenge the status quo and give people an empowering mindset one story at a time. I believe in the future of Botswana and it starts without refusing to settle for the mediocre and using our God-given gifts in the betterment of our nation,” said the business podcaster.

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